Friday, December 27, 2019

Are Animal Experiments For Cosmetic Research Necessary And...

Are animal experiments for cosmetic research necessary and can they be justified? Abstract: This report investigates animal is cosmetic testing. The introduction outlines the focus of this report, the history of animal testing and presenting relevant case studies to illustrate the issue. The discussion provides in depth information about animal testing by presenting two sides of the story. The conclusion will highlight the main points learned to help decide if animal experiments are, indeed, necessary. Methodology: Searching online became useful for secondary sources. Websites such as BUAV (British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection), which offered a useful timeline, like the Cruelty Free International campaign and how these actions contributed to stopping animal testing in the EU. Cruelty Free International is supported by a number of celebrities including Ricky Gervais and Sir Paul McCartney. PeTA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) provided information about the types and alternatives of testing. The website also listed alternatives to animal testing, such as the Human skin models, which are considered in this report. News articles by the BBC were very helpful when considering the pros and cons of animal testing. A blog by â€Å"The Beauty Brains† provided a scientist’s opinion. Social networks e.g. Facebook and YouTube offered access to video campaigns and the public’s opinions. Primary sources were used to experience face-to-face research, askingShow MoreRelated Its Time to Stop Animal Research, Testing, and Experimentation1594 Words   |  7 PagesTime to Stop Animal Research, Testing, and Experimentation    Using animals in research and to test the safety of products has been a topic of heated debate for decades. According to data collected by F. 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